A leader of the Sheih Group in Islam in Bole, Alhaji Seidu Kurubari has performed Mua-alid to mark the birth of prophet Mohammed(SAW).
Mua-alid is a celebration of some section of muslims in the birth month of prophet Mohammed (SAW) the founder of the Islamic religion.
The celebration can be done by done by any Muslim of that section especially the Tijania and the sheih but usually is being done by the influential and rich in that society.
On this day the organiser invites sheihks and well learned Muslims and other Muslim to gather and remember the prophet and Messenger(SAW) and this is his maiden edition.
Delivery a sermon at the ceremony Alhaji Seidu said if there is any thing worth Gold that should be given or attributed to a human being then it should be given to people of faith.
He said that is what the creator (ALLAH) wants for mankind.
He said among other things how Allah hold the prophet and Messenger Mohammed (SAW) to a high esteem.
He mention how Allah value some parts of the world to the extent that those parts of the land you can’t even cut a grass because of how secret and value Allah attach to this lands but has made prophet Mohammed(SAW) valuable than all.
He said that is why as Muslims they need to gather and remember such a great person the earth has ever gotten.
He was grateful to all those that honoured the invitation to make the ceremony a success.
The ceremony attracted well learned Islamic scholars both local and international including the chief Imam of Bole.
Source: yagbonradioonline