Residents of Konkrompe in the Konkrompe Electoral Area in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District, have appealed to the District Assembly and benevolent organisations to support them with potable water.
They said the community with a population of over 1,500 had two boreholes, but that one of the boreholes had broken down compelling the entire community to depend on a single borehole for water.
The residents made the call during the first annual celebration of the community women association held on Sunday, May, 2, 2021.
“The water issue is affecting us here, you can see this afternoon the number of women at the borehole.
Sometimes we can queue till midnight before they could get water”, Madam Bichiitey Afia, a resident of the community told Yagbon News.
She said inadequate source of potable water at the community was adversely affecting their livelihood.
She noted that they had been “crying to the politicians for help but are not getting any help from them.
“One of our borehole is spoiled leaving only one. We go and crowd there looking for the water to fetch.
We the old ladies are suffering because of the water”, Madam Afia noted.
According to the residents, they had been contributing to repair the borehole anytime it broke down and that they were unable to contribute to fix it due to the financial difficulties they faced.
Meanwhile, Hon. Datoor Jacob Kwabena, the Assembly Member for the area, told Yagbon News that access to potable water was a major challenge in some of the communities in his electoral area, including; the Konkrompe community.
He thus appealed to Assembly and other organisations to help provide the over 1,500 residents with portable water in the community.
Source: yagbonradioonline