Residents of Bole living opposite St . Kizitos A primary school are living in fear due to the danger posed by a huge tree right beside the road which could fall any time soon.
On Monday part of the skipouns tree fell on a fitting shop which could have taken a life .
According to the owner of the fitting the shop, Mr saaka Rashid narrates what happened.
Mr Rashid said he moved to attend to a call upon his return his motor bike got bashed and one of his apprentices was also injured.
Rashid called on the authorities to cut down tree because next time they might not be lucky.
He mentioned that there are other bigger branches putting other shops under serious risk including the NEDCo office .
Subsequent to this incident the Bole District NADMO Director Mr Kipo Sulemana has raisey the issue atan Assembly meeting but to no avail.
Mr Kipo Sulemana said the tree is old and weak and any little storm the tree might cause a lot of casualties .
With all these advice the authorities of Bole Municipal Assembly turned a deaf ear to the expected call.
No death was recorded during the incident, however some properties were recorded during the disaster.
Source: yagbonradioonline