Nasco Feeding Minds, an a non-profit making organization operating in the Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District of the Savannah Region has offered training to 10 students under the CISCO Networking Academy based at Sawla.
The ceremony took place on Saturday 7th, August, 2021.
In 2020, NASCO Tech, went into partnership with the NGO to train young people from the Sawla-Tuna -Kalba in ICT.
The first ten students received trained on Cyber security and IT essentials for which each received a certificate and hampers from Cisco.
Under the NASCO Tech, fifty tertiary students also receive lab top computers to aid them in their studies.
Addressing the students, Hon Banasco Nuhu Seidu, the Executive Director of the NGO said students should take the project serious as one has to pay a lot of money to acquire such knowledge .
He said IT is the fourth industrial revolution and for that mater being a computer literate keeps you on a high pedigree.
Hon. Banasco also said they are to create NASCO enterprise which will provide jobs for the trained students.
He told Yagbon Radio in an interview that he is doing this to enable the District catch up with the rest of the world.
He urged others to join the Cisco Network Academy and encouraged the tertiary students to take their studies serious.
Source: yagbonradioonline