Nasco Feeding Minds, a Non- Governmental Organisation based in the Sawla-Tuna- Kalba of the Savannah Region has held a stakeholder engagement meetings with the Savannah Regional Minister Hon. Saeed Muhazu among other top officials on the Renewable Energy for Africa and Effective Valorisation for Agro-Food Waste (REFFECT AFRICA) sponsored by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Fund in partnership with Nasco Feeling Minds.
The REFFECT AFRICA, focuses on the onsite and real-time demonstration of an innovative system for improved gasification of agricultural waste.
One of the direct impacts will take place in Tuna Tecaical Senior High School (TUSEC) in Ghana.
The biomass gasification plant will be installed at the school and the
feedstock for the demonstrator will be farm waste generated from local farms.
The main crop residues include maize residues, peanut shells, sorghum husks, and other available wastes.
Tuna is a typical farming community in the Savannah Region of Ghana and as a result, a lot of the inhabitants work in agriculture, cultivating mainly grains, legumes, tubers, and some cash crops.
The demonstrator at TUSEC in Tuna is designed with a technological topology capable of operating off-grid, to provide supply during the first steps of the project and on-grid when the connection to the grid is achieved, which is also in accordance with the philosophy pursued by this demonstrator.
The biomass gasification plant will have an electric power generated of 20 kW complemented with a solar photovoltaic generation system with a generation capacity of 20 kWp.
By the nature of the design of the TUSEC demonstrator, the main product to be generated includes electricity, heat biochar, and manure.
With the installation of the demonstrator, farmers will gather the agricultural waste as feedstock for the demonstrator at a price that will provide them supplementary income.
Also, the electricity and the heat generated by the demonstrator will reduce the school bills.
Source: yagbonradioonline